Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

I would strongly encourage him to act a lot more boldly. Like, a LOT more boldly. Most of my biggest regrets involve me being too scared to go for something. I'm not sure I'd really be able to convince 10 year old me to do that though. After all, he's still me, and to this day I'm a wuss and am too anxious and terrified to do quite a number of things. Maybe if I was so emphatic about how much I screwed up my life that it came across as borderline insane, that would be enough to convince young me to avoid turning into present me. But then I think about all of the paradoxes this scenario creates and then my brain hurts.Be strong! You will grow up to be a great man and you will see that being defenseless is no way to live.

Try to be the best and you will be the person who suksek 10 years later and probably 10 years before it comes you will succeed. keep trying never bored and scared to be a successful person. Keep the spirit alive!!

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